How to create size charts?
There are 2 kinds of size charts: Global size chart & individual size chart.
- Global size charts can be created and added to multiple products at the same time using several product sources: types, tags, categories, brands, collections, etc.
- Individual size charts are charts added to each product in the Size charts tab of the Product Data section. Users can reuse the global size charts or create new ones for specific products.
1/ Global Size Charts:
You can create Global size chart under the Size chart section. These charts can be added to multiple products at the same time. You will need to specify the source of applicable products then the size chart will appear on the single product page of these products.
Sources include:
- All products – storewide
- Types: for example “simple”, “variable”, “woosb” for smart bundles, “woosg” for smart grouped, “composite” for smart composite
- Brands (using WPC Brands for WooCommerce plugin)
- Collections (using WPC Smart Product Collection for WooCommerce plugin)
- Tags
- Categories
- Product visibility
- Product shipping classes
- Product attributes
Combined Source (PREMIUM)
There is a source called Combined in the global size chart settings. This source is only available in the Premium version of this plugin.
It’s possible to combine above sources into one so that users can define more complex sources of applicable products.
2/ Individual Size Charts:
If you want to add specific charts to a product, you can open the Size chart tab of the Product Data on the single product page, click to choose Overwrite and enter the name of the chart to add to the current product:

Plugin Settings
Users can specify the display of size charts under WPClever >> Product Size Charts:
Popup library: choose a type of popup library for your site.
Effect: choose an effect to open the size chart popup.
Position: choose to display the size charts anywhere you want on the single product pages. If these positions don’t work, you can insert the shortcode [wpcsc_link] to where you want the charts to be displayed.
Combine: combine different size charts into one and display them all in one popup
Label: label for the size chart line