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  5. Default & Reverse actions

Default & Reverse actions


  • Stock control: In Stock – Out of Stock
  • Purchasability control: Purchasable – Unpurchasable
  • Visibility control: Visible – Hidden

The first half of each pair are default actions, the latter are reverse actions.

1/ In Stock – Out of Stock:

Change the stock status of a product to In Stock or Out of Stock, the Add to Cart button will be hidden and there is a notification for stock in the front-end.

2/ Purchasable – Unpurchasable:

Enable or disable the Add to Cart button accordingly.

2.1/ Set purchasable:

Your product will appear normal with the Add to Cart button enabled & visible for purchase.

2.2/ Set unpurchasable:

Your product is still visible and accessible, but cannot be added to the cart when it’s unpurchasable.

3/ Visible – Hidden:

Display or hide a product completely from your store.

3.1/ Set visible:

Make a product visible and can be found from your shop archive.

3.2/ Set hidden:

Hide a product completely from your shop archive.

Note: If prior to setting up this action on your products, your customers have added this product to the wish-list, favorite list, or saved-for-later list, bookmarked or saved the permalinks to your products, they can still access your products from the saved links.

For a normal product that you are selling on your store: when you’d like to set a product to purchasable/ in stock/ visible on a specific date and time, you must first add an action to reverse its default state (to unpurchasable/ out of stock/ hidden) and put this action on top of the action line to make it work, then add the default action for a certain date and time under that.

For more instructions on setting timers with default & reverse action, see the rules under The logic of Setting Timers section.