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  5. 11. Change quantity control in cart

11. Change quantity control in cart

Question 11: How to control the quantity of Bought Together items in cart & checkout? I don’t want my customers to get additional discounts without buying the main product.

Answer: You can control that from the plugin settings, go to WPClever >> Bought Together >> Cart and Checkout section >> find “Change quantity” option, choose “No” >> Update options.

Doing this will prevent buyers from increasing the quantity of Bought Together items without buying more of the main product. The predefined quantity of Bought Together items will be synced with the main product’s.


– Main product: 1 x 2

– Bought Together item 1: 1 x 2

– Bought Together item 2: 2 x 4

If you choose “Yes”, your customers can buy more of Bought Together items without the need to buy more of the main product.