WPC Product Bundles

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  5. 14. Display discounted amount on bundles?

14. Display discounted amount on bundles?

Question 14: How can I display the discounted amount on bundles?

Answer: Only bundles whose prices are automatically calculated can display the “Saved text”. Please make sure the “Disable the auto-calculated price” is unchecked and fill in a discount in the corresponding box (% or $).

Depending on the type of discount applied to your bundle, the saved text will display accordingly. The amount discount will override the percentage discount when both boxes are filled.

In order to show the Saved text in both Starting price & Subtotal, please enable “Change price” from the plugin settings. Then the saved text will be visible on all auto-priced bundles in both positions.


See more in the Saved Text under the Pricing and Discounts section.