WPC Product Bundles

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  5. 9. Out of Stock bundles?

9. Out of Stock bundles?

Question 9: I create a bundle and all bundled products are in stock, but in the front-end, my bundle displays “Out of stock”. How to fix that?

Answer: First, please check if you have selected “Enable stock management at bundle level?”, then go to the Inventory tab to check the stock quantity configured.

Normally after enabling this option and press Update, the stock quantity for the whole bundle in the Inventory tab will be 0, you need to enter a number into this box to make it “In stock” and enable stock management.

You can also go to WPClever >> Product Bundles >> in the “Cart & Checkout” section, choose “Yes” for “Exclude un-purchasable products”, in the front-end, out-of-stock products will still be visible, but buyers cannot choose or add them to the cart.

When the Exclude unpurchasable option is enabled, any out-of-stock products will be removed from the bundles in the front end: