WPC Product Bundles

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  4. Plugin Settings
  5. Bundle’s details

Bundle’s details

Bundle settings

You can choose Yes/No respectively for each of the following options to display/hide the details of bundled products in bundle page:

  • Thumbnail image
  • Quantity
  • Short description
  • Price/ subtotal
  • Plus/minus buttons for quantity input


Configure the bundle details.
Configure the bundle details.


In the “Show price” option, you can choose 1 of the following options:

  • Price: show unit price per bundled product.
  • Subtotal: show unit price x quantity per bundled product. If the Custom quantity option is enabled, the subtotal will be updated upon changing the quantity.
  • No: hide the price of bundled products. Only the quantity is shown.
Show price: Price


Show price: Subtotal


Show price: Subtotal with Plus/Minus buttons enabled



Change Image

When the Change image option is enabled, the main product image will be replaced with the most recently chosen variation of the variable sub-product inside the smart bundle. This feature only works for variable sub-products, not for simple products or variations as bundled items.

See how it works in the frontend: