WPC Product Bundles

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  5. 2. Use ddSlick interface in Product Bundles?

2. Use ddSlick interface in Product Bundles?

Question 2: Can I use the ddSlick interface with WPC Product Bundles?

Answer: No. There’s no ddSlick interface integrated into WPC Product Bundles.

However, you can still use it by choosing the “Use Variations Radio Buttons” option, install this plugin from us, then configure the interface from WPC Variations Radio Buttons plugin settings. This plugin brings about ddSlick, Select2, and HTML tags interfaces to your bundle.

The chosen interface in the Radio Buttons tab of each variable product will be displayed in the smart bundle when that product is added as a bundled item. Different variable products with different chosen interfaces will be displayed differently in a bundle.


ddSlick on Smart Bundles


Radio Buttons on Smart Bundles