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WPC Countdown Timer for WooCommerce

WPC Countdown Timer for WooCommerce

Easy to add and set up a wonderful countdown clock for product bundles with intuitive settings and 3 different clock styles.


Note: This plugin is only for front-end timer display, it doesn’t assert any actual effects on your products at all. If you would like to achieve some actions like setting a product to unpurchasable/out of stock/ on sale/ featured…, please choose WPC Product Timer plugin.

Basic steps to set up a Countdown Timer for any product:

  • Step 1: Go to the Countdown tab of the Product data section. In the Active option –  choose “Yes” to use the Countdown Timer. You can disable the Countdown Timer by choosing “No”, there’s no need to deactivate the plugin.
  • Step 2: Choose the starting and ending time. Click on the selector more than once to open the calendar widget and choose the date & time.
  • Step 3: Enter the Above/Under text.
  • Step 4: The End text is the text displayed when the countdown ends.
  • Step 5: Choose a style for the clock.

There are 3 styles:

Style 01: Flat Countdown Timer

Style 02: Square Countdown Timer

Style 03: Rounded Countdown Timer

Back-end settings – Countdown Tab

Front-end display